Friday, November 11, 2011

Foods To Avoid To Lose Weight

People are passionate about many things, but I have never in my life met someone who is enthusiastic about being overweight. However, I met people who are sick of the up and down roller coaster of so-called healthy meal plans for weight loss. Rather than dealing with more disappointments in their diet plans, they conclude that there is no alternative but to stay big.

Throwing up your hands in defeat, you decide to spend the rest of your life (unfortunately) overweight. This is not a way to live. A decision like this can crush your self-esteem into the ground and take years of your life. Come on, you owe it to yourself and your family much more than that.

There is no magic formula for losing weight - if so then, everyone and their mother would be thin. The best way to achieve successful results of weight loss is what types of foods to keep them out of your diet.

Just say "No" for Processed Foods

Processed foods are cheap, convenient and easy to prepare. Unfortunately, these foods are bad for your health.  Of course, you never know by looking at these TV ads promoted. Since manufacturers will not give you the dirt on the ingredients used in processed foods, I will gladly do it for them.

Let's start with trans fats. This ingredient reduces the good cholesterol, raises bad cholesterol and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Considering heart disease is a major cause of death for men and women, trans fat is an ingredient to avoid.

If you're wondering where the double chin came from, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) used in some of your favorite foods can take some of the blame. This ingredient has received a lot of press lately because it is considered a major player in the growing epidemic of obesity.

Chemical manufacturers used to process foods can also be a source of health problems. If I tried to mention some of these chemicals, I would be tongue-tied for days. In addition, you would probably think I read the labels on bug sprays instead of anything organically grown.

Send Sugar Packaging

The average person consumes about 150 pounds of sugar a year. When you think about the fact that sugar is in everything, it is easy to eat tons of this substance, without even realizing it. So what's the problem? Not enough time in the day to tell you all the the problems and dmage that sugar can cause. However, I will give you a quick overview.

Sugar contains nothing but empty calories. When you eat this, in large part is stored in the body as fat. If your goal is weight loss, the extra intake of sugar will not help. Nor is this the worst part. Sugar also can depress the immune system, nourish the cancer cells, which contributes to heart disease, increases the risk of osteoporosis and make you look decrepit.

Give Artificial Sweeteners the Boot

Before you rush out and stock your fridge with diet drinks that have zero calories, there's something you should know. Artificial sweeteners used in diet drinks and other low-calorie products are created in the laboratory. Yep. That's right - similar to something out of Frankenstein films.

These chemical sweeteners may cause or contribute to the long list of chronic diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders - depression, anxiety, headaches, mood changes, panic attacks, dizziness, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors - should I go? And if you think you are going to shed a few pounds by the use of artificial sweeteners, think again. These sweeteners stimulate the appetite and makes you eat more than usual.

Once you've tried diet after diet and not one of them is working, it can certainly make you want to give up. But you owe it to your family to live the healthiest life possible. Processed foods, sugar and artificial sweeteners are the main culprits of weight gain. When you eliminate these foods from your diet, you'll improve your chances of losing weight.

Dieting improperly should be a disappointment of the past. Enter The Diet Solution Program, the program that arms you with the tools necessary to create a healthy meal plan to lose weight and stay healthy.

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